Saturday, December 12, 2009


My birthday was great (my b-days dec 3rd) i got electric guitar a book mark a book called phantom tollbooth i also got twilight the book and new moon the book sun a catcher clothes a jacket

Wednesday, November 25, 2009


I am sooo excited for thanksgiving the craftacular I am with my mom at the french made plz stop by i have pins and a few other things. i am actully saving some money for the craftacular i cannot wait til' x-mas either windsor is happy he is actully using his litter box finnaly. sorry my post is sooo short .bye

Thursday, November 19, 2009

6 Holidays

I have 6 holidays in the next 4 months this is in order from closest to now to furthest from now Thanksgiving,my birthday,my moms birthday,x-mas,new years,windsor my hedgies b-day thats a lot of events. i am really excited about thanksgiving my b-day & x-mas. My little hedgie windsor this is his first x-mas and his first b-day he'll be 1 . my b-day is my first double digits 10 yessssss Well thanks for visiting my BLOG

Monday, November 2, 2009


MMMMM CANDY I still have like 62 pieces of CANDY WHATS YOUR FAV CANDY snickers 3 musketeers milkey ways mmm chocolate bars krackles crunch bars smarties and soo many more don't you Like CANDY even adults like CANDY I mean who doesn't. please leave a comment on your fav candy . i am trying to write on my blog every day but i don't have anything to blog about. ?????????bloggers do you have any tips???????????. Well here are some hedgie tips , feed your hedgie lots of veggies fruit ham cubes, meal worms crickets, our hedgie windsor ate a catapiller we found laying outside . last night my mom ordered dissection kits, so i can not wait until they come we are going to dissect frogs,owl pellets,starfish,clams i am really excited , I LOVE HOMESCHOOLING . almost all the trees are bare andreally november first i think is supposed to be the first day of winter,that means my birthday is one month and 2 days away , yayyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!. well you might see another post tommorrow

Sunday, November 1, 2009


Halloween was awesome i went as an Owl, mack went as an alien , fisher was han solo, baby joe was a bear. I carved my pumpkin as an owl, Mack did his pumpkin as a robot , fisher did his as an alien, joe we did his as a classic pumpkin. by the way did you know that halloween started as samhain which it evolved into all hallos eve which ment night of the saints, in samhain they would leave food out for the spirits, and in all hallos eve people with little money would go door to door promising to pray for other peoples dead family members in return for food, and thats the history of halloween ps please tell me if you own a pet hedgie

Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fantastic Fridays

It has been a truly Fantastic Friday......... theres nothing that makes this different than other Fridays...... Fridays are just lots of Fun........... You probably wanna know why...okay i will tell you Well its the end of the week and Dads done with work for the weekend schools out for the weekend weekend family hikes and movie nights staying up late crafting doing something that we can't or don't have the time to on the week days.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My New BLOG!!!!!!!!!

I have just started my first blog and I am so excited. i have my own Business my mom has one too you should check her blog out at . I know my blog name is weird but I love hedgies and actually I just got my first Hedgie. I haven't exactly started my business because it isn't named yet but i am thinking of making items for small pets like rats,ferrets,hedgehogs,chinchillas,mice,hampsters and guinea pigs etc. and thats my first blog entry.