Saturday, September 12, 2009

Fantastic Fridays

It has been a truly Fantastic Friday......... theres nothing that makes this different than other Fridays...... Fridays are just lots of Fun........... You probably wanna know why...okay i will tell you Well its the end of the week and Dads done with work for the weekend schools out for the weekend weekend family hikes and movie nights staying up late crafting doing something that we can't or don't have the time to on the week days.

Sunday, September 6, 2009

My New BLOG!!!!!!!!!

I have just started my first blog and I am so excited. i have my own Business my mom has one too you should check her blog out at . I know my blog name is weird but I love hedgies and actually I just got my first Hedgie. I haven't exactly started my business because it isn't named yet but i am thinking of making items for small pets like rats,ferrets,hedgehogs,chinchillas,mice,hampsters and guinea pigs etc. and thats my first blog entry.